Ceramic Armor Plate Care and Inspection



Your ceramic armor mosaic plate is built with quality, advanced materials and fine craftsmanship.

Like any life saving product, it's important to properly care for and inspect your plate.

Normal use: Your armor is well-designed and can handle normal use.  Avoid intentionally slamming the armor against things with force or leaving the armor in heat that is above what is expected in the normal environment.  Avoid prolonged temperatures exceeding 200F.

Clean your armor strike face and wear face with water.  A mild detergent is acceptable but avoid logos and labels.  Allow to air dry and do not use a blower/hair dryer on the covers.

When taking delivery of your item and before each use, please inspect the following:

1. Strike face is smooth and uniform.

2. Plate edges are not deformed.

3. Front and rear covers are in good condition without major rips or tears.

4. Ballistic label is attached and readable.

5. Plate covers are flat against the strike and wear faces without in/out motion when applying pressure to plate with palm of hand.

Rips/punctures in the edge fabric do not influence overall ballistic resistance. Please contact us for advice or to answer any questions.

If any of the above are present, please contact us at info@gilliamtechnicalservices.com