You should choose us because we make a strong, dependable, high quality ceramic armor plate, supported by our transparent test reports. We combine affordability, redundancy and performance with proven manufacturing methods.
There are a lot of ceramic body armor choices out there and we want to thank you for taking the time to read about us, our mission and our process. We also want you to know what sets us apart from other providers.
We offer the highest quality materials and the best performance combinations anywhere.
Our strengths (versus competitors):
We use a mosaic ceramic tile array
Hands down the mosaic design is the best set-up for strength and multiple-hit performance. Our ballistic tile arrays are manufactured from 2" individual tile pieces similar to battlefield and space-based vehicle armor.
We build to NIJ standards and specifications
We don't build special threat plates that fail to meet any NIJ protection category. We do not under build armor without some level of redundancy built-in (safety margin).
99%+ pure ceramic materials
This is very important for consumer understanding as 99%+ purity weighs more than the common 90-95% ceramic tile. Higher purity also results in greater density and that means better performance. Almost all companies that utilize alumina ceramic strike faces will use a 95% or lower purity tile or tile set. Although this strategy can save 8-10 ounces on a 10" x 12" SAPI plate, it results in a less dense strike face and reduced performance as compared to our 99% tile. This commitment also increases redundancies and safety margins in our products.
Share all NIJ-approved lab reports
We post all of our NIJ certified lab testing reports. The reports will be either in image format or .PDF and under the testing navigational tab, or in the product images. You would be surprised to discover that many well-known armor brands do not publish their ballistics reports. Even with NIJ certified armor, it's important to see what type of performance you're purchasing and wearing.
Use a controlled, high quality manufacturing process
We use low leak, high quality systems and calibrated tooling. We use high-temperature resistant rubber strips along the outside edge of our armor (2mm) to protect the ceramic edges - even on our edge-to-edge models.
100% American-made adhesives that are specifically formulated for armor use
Our ARMORFILM AF36900 adhesives have elevated elongation with high breaking strength is tuned into our plate energy and designed to work with both monolithic and ceramic tile arrays. Our adhesives are low VOC and CA Prop 65 compliant. This makes for safer working conditions (and environment).
High-quality, high-density polyethylene backers
Our Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) backing materials are an important component of our ceramic armor plates. The strength and flexibility of the UHMWPE results in better protection against fast-moving steel penetrators than traditional, heavier E-Glass/S-Glass backing plates. UHMWPE is more resistant than Glass backers to M855, M855A1, M80A1,and M193 high-velocity projectiles. We can internally consolidate our own UHMWPE (including complex shapes) and also contract out for some pressing production. Contracting out for some backing production to a partner with a large number of heavy presses helps offset business interruption risks associated with running one or two presses.
Transparent with customers, deal directly with topics, show customers how components are assembled
We are on social media and share videos about our build processes. We also answer questions and pass along information that customers need to understand about armor issues.
Our performance wins... simply ask your provider for an NIJ test report and compare with ours (see product descriptions)
Performance matters. In some cases, our armor may be designed to be light and compliant. Other models can be custom built with trauma reduction layering. Custom builds are not NIJ "certified" due to differences in building materials and techniques. There are times when we may choose to video a shot comparison between our plates and other manufacturers - especially when a competitor makes false claims about our product(s).
Build redundancy and reliability into each ceramic body armor plate
We don't thin our UHMWPE backing plates down so that they barely pass the NIJ 44mm maximum. Control of backface deformation (BFD) is important since lower BFD reduces twisting and lateral energy transfer problems along adhesive layers.
We build to the NIJ standards... not to social media standards or super thin Special Threat Plates that do not meet basic NIJ RF1, RF2 or RF3 protection level requirements.