Differences Between Our Ceramic Armor Plate Models

During the past couple of years, we have maximized our performance across all lines of plates. We are transitioning to the Model 1023 layup for all armor products, except the Model 9049.  We continue to offer fully customized products.

Recent testing has shown super high performance capabilities between the Model 9049 and the 1023.  Both plates stopped SIX .30 M2AP projectiles.  All of the shots were below the NIJ 44mm maximum.  You can view the NIJ certified lab rest reports: NIJ certified lab report Model 1023  NIJ certified lab report Model 9049.

Models 1023 and 9049 are our highest performing armor plates.  Let's start with brief description of each and the differences between the two.

Model 9049 is the ultimate in performance. It brings ceramic fragmentation (ceramic ejection from the strike face) to nearly ZERO. This is accomplished through the use of a crack arresting plate (CAP).

The 9049 also has a trauma reduction plate (TRP) that helps resist the bottled up energy within the plate stemming from catching the projectile without energy being released from the strike face.  Our Model 9049 recently passed SIX shots at an NIJ certified lab. All of the shots were below 44mm. That's performance.  General stats on the plate: Weight 7.8 pounds 1.1" thick. Available in many shapes and sizes.

Model 1023 is a Model 9049 armor plate without the full CAP and instead of a TRP, it has a built-in trauma pad.  This plate is thinner and lighter.  Weight 7.3 pounds, 1" thick and available in many shapes and sizes.  Most of our armor will be transitioned to this layup.  The Model 9049 will remain available.

All other MADE IN USA models are currently built without a built-in trauma pad and without CAPs and TRPs.  They are basic plates, with thin (but effective) crack arresting material on the strike face.  They will not stop all ceramic fragmentation ejection from the front of the plate. This is usually mitigated by wearing your armor in a quality carrier which traps most of the particles in the plate pockets.