Other companies in the armor space deserve some respect... - Gilliam Technical Services, Inc.

Other companies in the armor space deserve some respect...

We are often asked via email and social media comments about whether we will shoot a competitor's plate.  The answer is well... yes and no.  We will shoot the plates but we are not going to bash the products or use the company name unless specifically asked to by the manufacturer.

We feel like we can explain our own strengths and weaknesses without putting others down.  This is not part of our strategy. We might even recommend another company's product if there is a closely aligned customer need.

Different designs and materials have their own strengths and weaknesses.  Steel, ceramic and polyethylene all have their own pros and cons. As we always say... "everyone deserves protection..." and at the same time everyone deserves a little respect.  It's not easy being in this business.   

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